Call of Dragons Strongest Lord Guide
2024-4-27 | Written by Zemister (Founder)
Strongest Lord Guide - Each Day
Before Event Starts
- Try to have big building/research upgrades going to pop on day 4 -Make sure to have all unit training available for day 1 and if possible have all units ready to pop at start of day 1
- Try to get related manastones for each day before using any speedups
Day 1: Legion Training
- Get a manastone of training
- Train units
- Use speedups to promote units to highest tier you have
- Most points for least speedups
Day 2: Defeat Darklings
- Save Combat Points for start of day
- Only farm highest level mobs (above level 21)
- Save combat point boosts and try to use them all
- Can also go negative into combat points by using artifact skills or using multiple legions to attack at once
Day 3: Resource Gathering
- Have gatherers with full capacity ready to enter your base on reset
- After this continue to send out gatherers as much as possible
- Gathering manastones will help with this
Day 4: Building/Tech Upgrades
- Have big building/research upgrades ready to pop
- Past that use speedups on upgrading research/buildings
- Don’t use speedups on training units this day, it is not worth it
- Manastone of building and manastone of research should be gotten before using speedups
Day 5: All Speed Ahead Combination of all events with half points, try to do everything
Day 6: Merit Leaderboard
- See our Merit Farming Guide for how to get ahead on the Merit Leaderboard